No.1 Consulting Firm

Welcome To
Trilogy Consultants

Accounting | Advisory | Tax Disputes | ITC | Sequestration | Debt Review | Audited Financials | Management Accounts | Vat registrations | Tax Registrations | CIPC

About Us

Trilogy Consultants, we are a 100% black-owned company whose main goal is assisting South Africans to manage their debt and obtain better financial wellness 

Our services set our clients free from the restrictions placed on their lives due to listings. Many of our clients are listed wrongfully or excessively, some deservedly. 

Trilogy is one of the few professional black-owned companies that legally assist the more than 4 million South Africans listed with Judgments, Admin Orders, Garnishee Orders, Defaults, and those Under Debt Review and in turn, offer debt relief assistance.


The success of a business is dependent on a strategy that is in sync with all operational areas of a business. A winning team with the right operational plan can achieve major growth and success. Our team adopts a holistic approach in all areas of the business that include:

  • Management
  • Human Resources
  • Finance and Administration
  • Operations

Balluvika Consulting provides a turnkey Financial and Business strategy solution to small medium and large businesses. We help put businesses in a framework that will grow and be sustainable.


Cases Solved


Happy Clients


Regional Offices


Legal Associates

Our Practice Areas

Judgement Removal

A judgment usually stays on your credit report for a period of 5 years. However, once the judgment has been paid up it can be removed from the consumer's credit report. ... Once paid up, you should go to the court in which the judgment was issued, with a paid up letter, and ask to get it removed from your credit report

Debt Review

Debt review is the process whereby a debt counsellor assesses a client's outstanding debt and implements a restructured debt repayment plan. ... Most importantly, when under debt review, clients are legally protected by the National Credit Act (NCA) and creditors are no longer allowed to hassle them.

Credit Score Upgrades

Updated: The information you disputed has been updated on your credit report. ... Deleted: The item was removed from your credit report. Processed: The item was either updated or deleted. Remains: The company reporting the information has certified to Experian that the information is accurate, so the item has not changed.

Business Strategy

Having a great strategy is just the beginning but execution is a challenge for many businesses. We help formulate a roadmap to prioritise objectives and optimising financial performance.

Human Resources

Compliance with Legislative Requirements (Department of Labour / Industry bodies)
UIF / Workmans Compensation Occupational Health and Safety Staff Contracts Recruitment Staff Disputes

Marketing Strategy

Website Development / Corporate Video / Training Videos / Informercials / Social Media Marketing


Company Registrations | Change of Directors | Annual Renewals


Sequestration is a term adopted by Congress to describe a back-up fiscal policy mechanism to enforce budgetary discipline over agreed-upon deficit reduction targets established under the 2011 Budget Control Act (BCA).

Default Removal

Once a default is recorded on your credit profile, you can't have it removed before the six years are up (unless it's an error). However, there are several things that can reduce its negative impact: Repayment. Try and pay off what you owe as soon as possible.

General ITC Disputes

What is a dispute? If you see an item on your credit report that you think is inaccurate, you can start a “dispute” and the credit reporting agency (such as TransUnion) will investigate the possible inaccuracy.


Monthly Management Accounts Financials Tax Returns Payroll CIPC Registrations / Annual Returns.

Audited Financials
Management Accounts
Vat registrations
Tax Registrations

Advisory Services

• Legal • Tax • Trusts • Risk Management • Financial Services • Tax disputes / ITC and Judgements
• Marketing
